Killing the Messenger

zet23t's team


You are a messenger to bring the Emperor the news that an enemy is invading the empire. Your journey will be difficult...

The game is developed for the Tiny Arcade by Tiny Circuits, an arduino compatible tiny gaming console. Tiny Arcade specifications: - 48mHz 32-bit ARM processor - 256kb flash memory - 32kb RAM - 96x64 pixel OLED screen (16bit color depth) - SD card slot

Windows: The game can be played on windows by starting the messenger.exe file.

Tiny Arcade: Copy the "Messenger" folder onto your SD card and select the game to start it.

GitHUB Link:

Technology used

C/C++, Arduino IDE, Tiny Arcade Windows emulation through GLFW (OpenGL)

Help / Controls

Arrow keys to move, "G" to hit




This game was created
at Global Game Jam 2018

All Games of Global Game Jam 2018


16 people voted for this game. Overall the game ranked #6 at the Jam!


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