Tremble Cave

Red Bear Productions


You are the operator of a 'Haunted Cave' attraction in a theme park. Your mission is to guarantee that everybody comes out scared but alive! Click on the 'scares' with the correct timing, but be careful because of all the 'scares' of the same type get activated at the same time.

Technology used

Unity, FMOD, Nuendo, Infinity Painter

Help / Controls

Mouse Left Click on objects to activate them.


Binaries: Windows 64-bit


This game was created
at IGJam #13

All Games of IGJam #13


13 people rated this game.
Overall the game ranked #2 at the Jam!

This game was also rated in 7 other categories
  • Gameplay: 7.0/10

  • Graphics: 7.6923076923076925/10

  • Audio: 8.538461538461538/10

  • Innovation: 7.846153846153846/10

  • Technical: 7.3076923076923075/10

  • Controls: 6.923076923076923/10

  • Humor: 7.384615384615385/10


yuna (1 year 11 months ago)

the sounds are spot on :D

nguyenf (1 year 11 months ago)

To be honest: Best game

Boarix (1 year 11 months ago)

great implementation of sfx and music. i like all the indicators for "scare" shivers and so on :)

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