
Stresstest Games


This Game was made for the Playdate Handheld

During a long day at work, you fall asleep in front of your computer at the office despite an urgent deadline. To escape from the nightmare, you'll have to collect souvenirs from pleasant memories and drive away the distorted phantoms with the help of your lamp.

PS: Please don't do unnecessary overtime, otherwise you won't be sure in the end whether the waking world or the nightmare will do more damage.

Technology used

Visual Studio(C), Ryan Jucketts Damped Springs, Playdate SDK, Blender, Pulp (Music), Miro,

Help / Controls

D-Pad, A-Button. The Crank




This game was created
at IGJam #14

All Games of IGJam #14


4 people rated this game.
Overall the game ranked #2 at the Jam!

This game was also rated in 4 other categories
  • Gameplay: 7.0/10

  • Graphics: 8.5/10

  • Innovation: 7.75/10

  • Controls: 7.0/10


LuBu (1 year ago)

Es war so nice zu sehen, wie das Spiel über das Wochenende zusammen gekommen ist <3

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